Let's talk about skepticism!

We have all been there or are there. Why are we so skeptical about Affiliate marketing and the online world of making money?

3/2/20235 min read

Why are we so skeptical about Affiliate Marketing? We’ve all heard the saying ‘if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is’ right? Why do we find ourselves so skeptical when it comes to making money?

Well, we would be very naïve if we weren’t, and it would be a little concerning if we all jumped into something without giving a second thought. The thing about skepticism is that it is a good thing! It means that you are asking the right questions of yourself and of other people to gain a better understanding. I will always say, there is nothing wrong with skepticism however if you’re cynical then I think that’s a different ball game. Skepticism helps us to make informed choices in our lives and is a crucial part to critical thinking in my opinion and I think it’s a very healthy trait to have, it’s also a big part of what keeps us safe!

So why do we seem so skeptical when it comes to making money online? Well, this is just my opinion based off the research that I have done into this space. I believe when it comes to money, we all have a money story and many limiting beliefs that derive from our preconditioned thoughts and past realities. I have been reading a book that I am absolutely LOVING!

The book is written by Jen Sincero, an American writer, speaker and success coach and it is all things, money mindset and your relationship with your money. She dives into healing your relationship with money and the preconditioned limiting beliefs you hold on yourself around money. Rather than despise when that pay check hits the account and repelling the thought of money she goes into healing that relationship and shift into the new belief systems of having an abundance of it.

It’s such an eye-opening book and will really make you go inside to change your financial situation and your mindset is the key to your financial abundance. If your anything like I was with money and just had all of the awful thoughts at pay day like ‘oh it won’t last long’ or ‘oh look, the pay is in the account, now watch it all go out just as quickly to pay this bill and this bill and this one’. Well, this book is most definitely for you, and you need to heal your relationship with money and that mindset around why you hate it so much!

Before this book I was enlightened by a couple of the wonderful videos that were inside the Freedom Formula Launch course, Jade provides some beautiful words of wisdom around healing your money story and allowing yourself to have the life you want. In fact, 'you can just start living the life you want because it is already yours' is just one of the key points that Jade makes throughout the video.

I never realized how much work I actually had to do, and I am still consistently and intentionally doing each day to change my story and live my life in abundance, most importantly allowing myself to live my life with financial abundance.

I grew up in a middle-class family, my parents had many struggles with their money in the early years of their relationship and they had to work HARD to provide us with the life and childhood that we lived. My dad worked long hours and for a big part of my childhood he worked away in the mines to provide for our family. He sacrificed so much time with our family throughout our life and it was all to give us the best life and the most opportunities he possibly could. My mum spent the early years of our lives as a full time stay at home mum, but she often dabbled in the odd side hustle that could allow her to stay home with us like Tupperware and Avon. As we got older, she also worked in the mines, working 12 hour shifts opposite to my dad so that they could each earn a decent wage and still be mum and dad but all to ‘set us up’ in the best financial position that we could be and to work towards their retirement funds.

Looking back now after reading this book and sitting in the position I am now; I realize why my money story was the way it was. We go to work to make a living and to set us up in future years and provide our kids with all of the same opportunities that we had or more. BUT we do this and push ourselves to burnout point where we are all tired and stressed and snapping at each other, just to live comfortably. Not to mention to be able to do this we have to sacrifice so much of our precious time away from our kids and partners and family just to put food on the table, pay the bills and try to build up the bank accounts to have a ‘cushy’ retirement.

At the rate we are all working and pushing ourselves to earn a living and provide for our families we are going to be lucky to even make it to retirement, let alone in a happy marriage or with a happy life and not resentful for how much time we miss filling our cups with the things in life that we actually love! Why do we do this? Who brainwashed us into thinking that this is life? In my opinion i think the system had failed us and lead us to believe that we need to go to school, go to university or get a trade and work for 45 plus years to ‘maybe’ enjoy that hard earned money and hard-earned time?

So, when someone gets on social media and says, ‘guess what?' I’ve found a way to change your lives and you don’t need to settle for the typical 9-5 that society has led us to believe is the way we should be spending our time on earth’, is it really any wonder why people are SO skeptical?

I was guilty of this not too long ago, let me tell you I am not a person to not overthink every possibility but with all the work I have done on myself in my personal life in the last couple of years, I was not missing out on an opportunity that could change my life for the better and break me free from the ‘norm’.

I chose to take a leap of faith and it wasn’t a decision I made lightly. I thought of every worse case outcome that I could think of, even to the point of the day before I was to receive my first pay out, I said to my husband ‘imagine if it really was one big scam and the money isn’t real’. So, believe me when I say I GET IT! I really do, and I'm not one bit worried about the fact that we may be a little skeptical from time to time, but I just changed my life in four weeks, and it was all from saying ‘stuff it, it will either work or it won’t’.

If you’re finding yourself a little skeptical then I say GOOD! It will allow you to do a little more work and make sure you make an informed and well thought out decision and when you do, you will have far more faith in your decision. If you’re not ready to dive into the online world just yet, that is absolutely OK, but I would recommend you do some work on your money story and healing your relationship with money in the mean time and maybe you will be feeling a lot more motivated to change your life too and break away from the life you believed you were destined to live.

If you want to read the book, I mentioned earlier you can find it here. It’s called ‘You are a badass at making money’ and please let me know what you think and how you are healing your relationship with money and your money story! I always love a chat and my emails and social DMs are always open.

Sending lots of love and positive money vibes to you!