I'm Jess! I'm a wife, mum, daughter, sister and friend but most of all, I'm me, just an average Aussie gal trying to navigate my way through this beautiful thing they call life.
For most of my life, I've rolled with the 'norm', meaning I've grown up living a pretty 'average' life, going through the paces and not really ever having a complete work/life balance. Now don't get me wrong, I am so very privileged to have lived the life I have and currently do. I have a wonderful '9-5' job that I love, and I have a beautiful healthy family, me, my husband and my two little kiddies. Like most of you though, we are working to survive and make it through the mundane chaos we call life and I'm on an adventure to create passive income to enjoy more time freedom and to break away from the narrative that forces many of us to believe that we need to trade all of our time to make money and start enjoying more of what this world has to offer.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought of throwing me and the family into a caravan and go exploring this glorious country that we are so blessed to live in. I always have felt like I have this itch, an itch that feels like it's quite irritating of late to explore this online space and start monetizing from the technology that we spend far too many hours on in our days and provide the opportunity to maybe sneak off for a year or two. I've been guilty of spending far too much of my time mindlessly scrolling through content on socials for the most part of the social media platform era and I've decided that I could be spending that time learning how to create a passive income using these platforms rather than waste away a few more brain cells doing the same thing day in day out.
That is where I found the wonderful couple that is teaching me the ways of online marketing and in particular affiliate marketing. I took the plunge and learnt the ropes and now, here I am creating my best life and making money while doing it! My love languages are quality time, food and adventure and this wonderful online space and monetizing your content speaks to me in more ways than one and is going to be my one-way ticket to filling my cup to completely full.
So, if you're here following my journey, jump on board, enjoy the ride and maybe you will be jumping at your opportunity to creating your own best life too!