Intentionally creating my best life. Creating passive income from the comfort of my home. Earning while enjoying more time with my family. Let me show you how to create more work/life balance and enjoy the life you want to live!
If you have landed here, then I'm guessing you are in the very position I was not too long ago, wondering how on earth do I gain financially without giving up anymore of our time to the 9-5? I was at capacity with the time I was willing to give, to earn the money I needed, to help contribute and keep a family alive, but my BIG dreams were feeling very limited by how much I could physically earn. That's when I found myself here. In the very position you are, searching for answers to create financial freedom without having to leave my home.
There is no quick fix or get rich scheme, so if you're thinking about it like that, you need to work on a massive mindset shift in that department! And in the beginning there is a little bit of work involved to get yourself going, but, with all the right resources and the drive you hold within to turn your world around and create passive income and set up your life to live with more time freedom, you will be living your absolute best life before you ever could have dreamed and you don't need to leave your home to do it!
Picture this: holidays with your family or friends and having income streaming in from your phone, waking up in the morning to a notification saying you just made money while you were sleeping and never having to worry about a sick day at home with the kids unpaid because you have no sick pay left!
All of this is possible if you have the want and the desire to create your own best life, however that may look for you, maybe travel, maybe a stay-at-home parent, maybe you want to keep your job but match or replace your current income eventually to hit those big financial goals? Either way, once you find your WHY, you are halfway there.
My WHY is my kids and my family and I'm not missing out on a damn thing to give us our best life anymore, I'm doing it all at the same time!